This morning I sipped my morning coffee (black, iced, from Troost in Greenpoint) while scrolling through this enjoyable history of New York as told through 50 objects. I was reminded of the distant Saturday I spent digging through the archives of the Brooklyn Historical Society seeking verification of the rumor that my apartment building in Brooklyn Heights was built by Boss Tweed as a wedding present for his daughter. Sadly, I came to the conclusion that the rumor is just that -- a rumor. Though it should be noted that this conclusion is also inconclusive.
Were I to create a visual history of my Brooklyn apartment it would include the pair of tiny ceramic legs in the bottom right of this photo. I found them in a junk bin at an antique shop on Cape Cod and kept them on that perfume tray until the day they broke, how I can't remember. Lacking the right glue to fix them, as well as the motivation to make the effort to find any, I stuffed the broken legs in my closet, where they remain until a better day.